The Last Days of Thomas Merton, his greatest journey
Streaming Video: Rent (48 hours, $5) or Own (unlimited, $25)
Thomas Merton at Gethsemani
DVD: See Below
“The Many Storeys and Last Days of Thomas Merton” is a story of adventure and spiritual search that takes the viewer from his home at the Abbey of Gethsemani, across America in the turbulent year of 1968, and finally to Asia for meetings with the Dalai Lama and other soul seekers.
The purpose of the journey? As always with Merton, he sought a fuller union with God. He believed serving as a bridge between West and East was one way in which his call could be realized as a value to others.
Merton with the Dalai Lama, 1968
“Many Storeys” celebrates the triumph of all that was gained by the Thomas Merton journey. It reflects on the tragedy of what was lost with his death, and considers why Merton’s life and work challenges us today.
Purchase the DVD Here
DVD Cover for “The Many Storeys and Last Days of Thomas Merton”
$30 (Includes Shipping Inside U.S.)
$42 (Includes Shipping Outside U.S.)